I retract my proposal that Bruce's five-week delay the other day is the longest he's had.
Here we have a strip that shows he believes the unemployment rate is continuing to rise, when in Realityland it's been trending downward since late 2009.
And the Republicans & TP have been doing everything they can to keep unemployment high and crash the economy (and not just the jobs bill). You won't see that in MF or Fox. DW
Today's strip is a regular lightning rod for slumber. If anybody misses their daily dose of burning controversy, I suggest "Hi and Lois."
If I were that guy, I'd be calling 911 for help with whatever the fuck is wrong with his right eye.
Also, ever-increasing? Really? Makes it sound like unemployment's gone, y'know, up recently instead of plateauing.
Oh, and remind me again which party won't pass a fucking jobs bill in the House. Because I forgot, you drunken hack.
I retract my proposal that Bruce's five-week delay the other day is the longest he's had.
Here we have a strip that shows he believes the unemployment rate is continuing to rise, when in Realityland it's been trending downward since late 2009.
And the Republicans & TP have been doing everything they can to keep unemployment high and crash the economy (and not just the jobs bill). You won't see that in MF or Fox.
Meanwhile, the GOP's plan for increasing employment is to fire a lot of government workers.
@rewinn: Don't forget the regular threats to shut down the government.
And the nationwide union-busting moves.
The GOP: They Don't Mind If You Work...They Just Don't Want You To Be Paid For It.
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