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Saturday, November 17, 2012

That damned Awkwardness

What's Mallard raving about today?

The Geek Squad

I'm sure The Geek Squad would be worried about buzz resulting from over a week of being named and criticized in a nationally-syndicated comic...if they thought anyone read Mallard Fillmore.

(I have to say, I'm a bit surprised King Features Syndicate would take the risk of openly naming The Geek Squad, but I'm guessing even Mallard's editor doesn't read his stuff.)


DiR said...

(I have to say, I'm a bit surprised King Features Syndicate would take the risk of openly naming The Geek Squad, but I'm guessing even Mallard's editor doesn't read his stuff.)

At this point, I think his editor just makes sure he's not openly calling that liberals and minorities be dragged into the street and executed.

rewinn said...

Everyone experiences suffering. The question is whether you use this experience to develop compassion for all other persons, or just feel rage.
Discovering that your computer costs more to fix than just to buy a new one is a modern form of suffering. Believe it or not, engineering a gadget to be easy to repair is not easy! I don't *like* the concept of disposable computers, but that's where we are today. Most people have figured this out, but there's always someone to fill out the bottom of the bell curve.
Now Mallard COULD go, "Hey I got ripped off by corporate America, maybe those 99%'ers have a point."
But he doesn't WANT to.
His suffering will continue until he lets go of his ego. This is nearly impossible in a cartoon character, but for a human being there is always hope.

Kip W said...

Good point, Randy. Mallard's been ripped off by the bosses, and Tinsley wants to take it out on the hired help that has to carry out their odious policies and face all the mallard fillmores out there for what can't possibly be enough money.

Let's see, it's November. Only about a month before they'll get the word that they're being laid off on Christmas, and the excuse will be health care that doesn't even take effect for another year. Happy HAULidays!