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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

That damned Server

What's Mallard raving about today?


Mallard Fillmore, of his own free will, went into a restaurant serving locally-sourced, organic, hormone free food...and he is offended by what they are serving.

Also, for some reason, Mallard thinks there's something wrong with not wanting foreign-sourced, non-organic, hormone-filled food. Seriously, Mallard, if there's a market for it, what the hell do you care?

Republicans have become the man from Monty Python's Argument Sketch, willfully confusing automatic gainsaying with reasoned argument.


Frank Stone said...

Haw haw! Cuz stoopid libruls an' their arooguluh, amirite??

To Mallard, any foodstuff that doesn't come sealed in a cardboard box is a terrifying elitist abomination.

Tog said...

C'mon, Whiny McFukkaduck: Just stiff him on the tip, then run home and write a strip about how you "find" conservatives to be more generous tippers than liberals. Then do a victory stumble.

dlauthor said...

Maybe that restaurant should feature a daily special of locally sourced duck.

D Johnston said...

Actually, the joke here is that it's the server who's "locally-sourced, organic, hormone free." Liberals love those things, so of course they want the waitstaff to be those things, so blar har har silly libs.

David in NYC said...

@Frank Stone --

I'm guessing he would feel the same way about any wine he drinks.

MissD said...

Actually this is good news! Perhaps in a few years Mr Duck will have passed away due to the chemical and fat laden food he eats.

Bill the Splut said...

Oh, Bruce, we know that you took your significant other on her birthday to the fanciest restaurant in town, Olive Garden. Then you got mad because your server gave you breadsticks instead of a bowl of Beer Nuts.

rewinn said...

Poor duck, eating all alone. Even Chantel can't find him a date anymore!

ajm said...

No arugula for Mallard! (In a totally unrelated matter, he hasn't taken a sh!t in 10 years.)