I haven't had a direct deposit go missing in 35 years. But anyway, he sure does draw the contemptuous sneer really well, having a lot of practice, 365 days a year. DW
SFDebris and Confused Matthew, actual competent and entertaining creators, pointed out that moderning classic sayings is a lazy, pointless method of writing that shows a complete misunderstanding of language and human behavior.
Also, note that SFDebris and Confused Matthew are friends, whereas everyone who reads Mallard Fillmore or meets Tinsley feels murderous rage within 30 seconds.
See today's "Hagar the Horrible" for an example of how empty space can have a purpose by being made to serve the punchline.
See today's "Mallard Fillmore" (oh, heck, what am I saying? See every day's "Mallard Fillmore") for an example of how empty space represents the artist's laziness.
You know, we give Bruce a lot of shit, but I think it's nice of him to take time, every few months, to remind all of us that he is completely irrelevant.
Hey, Brews, get off of my cloud...
As so often happens, what appears to be a cloud is actually nothing but stink lines.
Correction: what appears to be a comic turns out to be only stink lines.
Not hateful or necessarily false, today's "comic" may be the best all year!
(See: "Damning With Faint Praise")
I haven't had a direct deposit go missing in 35 years.
But anyway, he sure does draw the contemptuous sneer really well, having a lot of practice, 365 days a year.
SFDebris and Confused Matthew, actual competent and entertaining creators, pointed out that moderning classic sayings is a lazy, pointless method of writing that shows a complete misunderstanding of language and human behavior.
Also, note that SFDebris and Confused Matthew are friends, whereas everyone who reads Mallard Fillmore or meets Tinsley feels murderous rage within 30 seconds.
Also, I use cloud computing on a regular basis at work, so, unlike Tinsley, I actually know why this comic is so retarded.
"Old Man Yells at Cloud"
All these kids with the skippin' and theyskypin' and flibbidey-flabbin' and floopity-floppin' and have some pudding AH AH AH
All these kids with the skippin' and the skypin' and flibbidey-flabbin' and floopity-floppin' and have some pudding AH AH AH
See today's "Hagar the Horrible" for an example of how empty space can have a purpose by being made to serve the punchline.
See today's "Mallard Fillmore" (oh, heck, what am I saying? See every day's "Mallard Fillmore") for an example of how empty space represents the artist's laziness.
You know, we give Bruce a lot of shit, but I think it's nice of him to take time, every few months, to remind all of us that he is completely irrelevant.
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