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Sunday, March 04, 2012

That damned Company

What's Mallard raving about today?

Green Companies

Don't you dare use tax dollars to incent development of Green technology, unless it is 100% guaranteed to succeed.

But, don't you dare threaten tax dollar subsidies to Oil companies. Being the most profitable companies on the planet, they require tax dollars to survive.

While we're on the subject, Auto Industry bailouts which saved over 300,000 jobs? Blaaargh!!!!!!

Here's the thing about the modern GOP: They pretend to care about deficits and government spending. But all the really care about is what tax dollars are spent on. If spent to further enrich the Rich, that is OK. The fact that they are Rich is proof enough that they deserve to be Rich and we should support them with obedience and tax dollars. If spent on the Middle Class or in any way to benefit the Middle Class, then it is Socialism, Evil, or Class Warfare (possibly all three).


Kip W said...

This is Duckspeak for "I have nothing, so I'll just show some presumed liberal ('cuz only libs like Nixon ever believed in ecology) cross-eyed, and with no pants. No, that's not enough. Okay, Mickey Mouse ears! That should clue my faithful readers in on how they should feel about anybody whose solution to oil dependence isn't "MORE OIL."

No, wait. Bow tie! I keep forgetting my faithful readers are utter morons who need multiple, unsubtle clues. Oh yeah, and "quotation marks." Take that, wrong-kind-of-job creator!

Bill the Splut said...

How about replacing "Green" in this strip with "Star Wars Defense"?

Any government program that's had billions in funding every year for 29 years with nothing yet to show for it is surely better than any gay fag liberal tree hugging! It'll save us from the Soviets, so keep funding it! "Red Dawn" was a documentary, you know!

Tomorrow: Mallard butt dials himself and gets put on hold; stays on phone all week.

DiR said...

Mouse ears? No pants? Bowtie? In a parking lot? What the fuck -is- this?!

Why can't this loser, tax-payer leech just start a DoD contractor corporation, and fleece us of billions, like REAL Americans do? None of this sissy 'green' crap that might only cost a hundred million or so.

Worse Than Liefeld's Before Watchman said...

Jimmy Olsen wears a bowtie, and Jimmy Olsen is awesome. I will not tolerate this blatant of a classic character from a comic someone outside this website has read! This is like Hitler's Mein Kampf complaining about Rashkolnikoff!

Kip W said...

George Will and Tucker Carlson are already blatants of Jimmy Olsen. It's ironic because as a cub reporter, he's more hard-hitting and freely inquiring than Will, and as Elastic Lad, he holds his shape better than Tucker. Then again, you could say the same of Jimmy in his brief roles as "Bizarro Jimmy, Teen Idol" or "Olsen the Giant Turtle Man."

Rootbeer said...

But seriously, what the fuck is this guy wearing.

Anonymous said...

And please remember, it's ONLY the GOP's fault the government is spending hundreds of billions on "homeland security" and a bloated defense and that the Democrats, who control the Presidency and one house of congress, are completely blameless for everything.

Tog said...

Anonyidiot: "Besides, rappers call women bitches! Therefore, you're racist!"

Steve-O said...

Ok I'll bite. Who here has ever claimed that the democrats are blameless. This blog is about the ineptitude and dishonesty of Bruce Tinsley, there are many other blogs concerning the ineptitude of fuck off.

Worse Than Liefeld's Before Watchman said...

I meant blatant libel. Sorry, I was tired and distracted at the time.

Word Verification: Itmwo heniuage, Mallard Fillmore, it--m, ow, thinking about it causes sever heniuage.

Worse Than Liefeld's Before Watchman said...

severe--damn it, why I keep making typos? I, unlike Tinsley, am literate.

Worse Than Liefeld's Before Watchman said...

Also, on the subject of Limbaugh: Did you know he wrote in one of his books that Columbus saved the Indians because they were living in the trees before he came?

He also said, ""I don't give a hoot that [Columbus] gave some Indians a disease that they didn't have immunity against." ( Limbaugh, our antibodies evolve immunities through natural evolution to combat the evolution of diseases. You refuse to accept the indisputable proved fact of evolution, therefore you do not believe in resistances.

rewinn said...

"Will start Internet With Your Tax Dollars"
--- Mallard Fillmore, late last century.

Worse Than Liefeld's Before Watchman said...

Regarding today's comic: Tinsley does not think that Asians are athletic or smart, and he would certainly never believe a Black guy could beat a White guy at a sports. He only supports every negative stereotype, not a positive stereotype, so this is a perfect example of his hypocrisy.

Tog said...

Rewinn said...

"Will start Internet With Your Tax Dollars"
--- Mallard Fillmore, late last century.

Anonyidiot: "Al Gore claims he invented the Internet. Q.E.D.! Whatever THAT means. Gay chat rooms! There! I've run rings around you logically! Intercourse the penguin!"

Tog said...

Yeah, I'm not sure what Tinsley's trying for in Monday's strip, so I'm forced to assume it's merely a stew of some of his current favorites: fetishization of Asian males, desperation to convince anyone he's independent/not at all bigoted, and disdain for the same "average American voter" he claims to represent.