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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

That damned Criminal Community

What's Mallard raving about today?

Gun control, criminals.

On days like today, I feel compelled to note that the only difference between Mallard and a cranky letter to the editor is two poorly drawn duck heads of varying size.


Kaitlyn said...

And Tinz gets paid.

Anonymous said...

Did Mallard get his head shaved?

Anonymous said...

Mallard's gone off the deep end again. Bruce, go ask an honest NRA member (not someone compensating for a small penis) what they would do if someone held a gun to their head and demanded money.

Better yet, while you're so cranky, advocate a law that demands that all criminals step away 50 paces and yell "Draw!" before committing any crime so those gun-toting law-abiding citizens could use their firearms fairly (or at all).

DC isn't the Wild West.

BillyWitchDoctor said...

What lazy crapwork "art." You know it's been dashed off when Tinsley can't even stay on-model for an image he's drawn every day for years--and one he created to boot.

Yessir, whether children are massacred in schools or killed individually by stray fire from the street, the answer from yo-yos like Tinny is forever the same: We Need More Guns In Everyone's Hands.

It always brings to mind Bill O'Reilly's spoken Clint Eastwood fantasies about shooting Michael Moore (in the back, no doubt--yippy ki yay, gutless coward away). So utterly pathetic...yet still capable of ruining decent people's lives.

Anonymous said...

What does Mallard feel about duck hunting anyway?

Anonymous said...

Great comic. Except that, in this case, DC residents don't say they have a constitutional right to protect themselves, they say "We outlawed that shit a long time ago! Keep those guns out of our neighborhoods!"

Anonymous said...

You're forgetting that Mallard speaks for the common man! Therefore, what he says is what every average Joe thinks, and if you disagree you're an elitist liberalcommieHillarylover!

Matt Ramone said...

I'm from DC, and there's a reason we wanted guns banned in the first place. Barring that this debate was relevant, oh, six months ago, the only people who want guns in the city are outside agitators. Conservative nanny staters who think they know what's best for us.

I'm pretty Tinshley got the phrase "hostile work enviornment" from a pamphlet he was given by the syndicate, along with notice that he was no longer allowed to have female assistants.

Anonymous said...

@Matt Ramone:

I'm pretty Tinshley got the phrase "hostile work enviornment" from a pamphlet he was given by the syndicate, along with notice that he was no longer allowed to have female assistants.

I was wondering if anyone else was going to pick up on that. Did he equate women bringing sexual harassment lawsuits to criminals demanding their right to shoot anyone who looks at them cross-eyed, or was it the other way around in revoise? Either way, *descending tongue clicks* very bad for Zathras.

("hmudbqu" — Tinz drinking a bottle of ink and spewing it back up onto drawing paper as this strip.)

Michael Foley said...

So my only choices on this issue are siding with the D.C. residents, who only want to protect themselves, or siding with criminals who want to shoot people willy-nilly. Thanks for clarifying the situation, Tinsley.

Anonymous said...


Kaitlyn said...

I hope Mallard has a strip before his annual Holiday Meltdown about "The Golden Compass" and its eeeeeeevil message.

Anonymous said...


With a spoon and two noodles.

GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

I badly want to believe that that anonymous is three-sheets-to-the-wind Tinsley.

BillyWitchDoctor said...

Today's events give yesterday's strip and my prior comment a sad tinge of irony.

But wait for it: "If the shoppers were ALL heavily armed, they could've defended themselves and stopped the guy in his tracks!!"

You know it's coming, from (possibly) the only people more f***ed-up in the head than Tinny.

Erich said...

I'm just amazed that a man with two arrests can talk about "the criminal community" with a straight face. (Well, okay, a smirky face...)