What's Mallard raving about today?
Health Care, Liberals.
Because the problem with the Health Care debate right now is that reasonable Republicans are calmly attempting to raise fact-based objections and are being shouted down by irrational name-calling Liberals.
The only thing missing, of course, are the frequent Nazi references and the fact that one side is bringing loaded weapons to the debate.
In more than 2 years writing this blog, this is the most stunning lie Mallard has ever printed.
Now, death panels: THAT is some reasonable-ass shit, and its propagators should be taken very, very seriously by all serious people.
Since Tinsley took off early to get wasted, I'll finish his strip for him: If this had been an actual conversation...the roles would have been reversed.
We probably all knew the neighborhood sissy who kept getting himself into trouble, then squalling that all his woes were due to everyone else picking on him. Now you know what became of that little bastard.
I have to admit, Tin has surprised me by finding a way to somehow set the bar lower than the exact center of the Earth. You wouldn't think it was possible.
This strip comes forty-eight hours after Tin attempted to validate the whole HE WANTS TO EXECUTE YOUR POOR OLD GRAMAMA nonsense; now he's pretending such crap is "reasonable concern." I said yesterday that I was saddened that Tin didn't continue sailing off the rails on the subject; needless to say, I am both delighted and astounded.
Man, Tin has run up one hell of a debt on his karmic credit card this week. I don't want to be within a fifty-mile radius of his sorry ass when that bill comes due.
Perhaps, when he was "researching" the town hall meetings, Tinshley saw angry people shouting but didn't realize what they were shouting because the volume was turned down on the bar's TV.
And since people yell stuff at him all the time, like "you talentless hack" and "pull over," he just assumed ...
The first two lines said it all:
"I have some serious problems."
To be fair to Noseworthy, Mallard IS a fascist, racist, homophobic global warming denier.
Maybe Tinsely's discovered that reality does, in fact, have a liberal bias, so he's chosen to spend as little time in it as possible.
You know the other day, I heard a decent argument against the Health Reform bill. It wasn't a GREAT argument, she got some details wrong, and she failed to have a better solution, AND she again pulled the "Our healthcare system is the best in the world" card and blamed our low life expectancy to "violent crime and car crashes". Still though, she made reasonable points that weren't super crazy.
I think this, like many other issues, that can be seriously debated and be done reasonably. Unfortunately, "mob rules" are in effect with the majority of Republicans in the media and on the streets, so it's all "Obama is gonna kill my crippled babby" everywhere. I dunno if the bill is the perfect solution, but it right now makes the most sense. Having a government option will make prices go down on private health insurance in the long run if they want to compete, it will allow more patients get the coverage they need, and, despite what every republican says, I don't think this will screw over our elderly.
Kinda does suck they are funding this program with a ton of tax dollars used for Medicare though. Medicare DOES help out seniors a lot, so I see where the honest concern lies.
HT, your points are good except for the very last. No-one is proposing to cut Medicare benefits; that's just another GOP screaming point.
Maybe at this point, that's how Bruce's neighbors react when he begins a sentence. Any sentence. In anticipation of what usually follows.
Just because we hate women, gays, and anyone who isn't peach-colored, and just because we bring guns to town meetings and shout down anyone we disagree with, and just because we were dropped on our heads as infants and therefore can't put two coherent thoughts together without breaking a sweat, that doesn't ... doesn't ...
I forget. HA! LIBS ARE DUMB!
[tee hee]
Best Republican descriptor evah!
OK, Brucie -- if you're not even going to TRY to come up with more than one lie per strip during the health care series (after getting off to such a promising start), I'm just giving you an "Incomplete".
Back to reality: This is what them edjumacated types call "projection" -- or, as they put it on the playground, "I know YOU are, but what am I?"
(And here's an example of the "actual conversation" that was going on about 7 years ago:
"I have some serious problems with President Bush's plans to invade Iraq."
rewinn: Ah, okay. I am still confused where the funding from this is coming from though. I heard Obama was taking some of the money used for Medicare and put it into the Healthcare Reform.
Well, either way, I still think that it is better to have the reform than stick with our broken system. I had many times where I couldn't get the therapy or medication I really needed, but it cost way too much to buy it every month. It really made life unbearable at times...
But, I digress. Any respect I have had with the Republican party pretty much has died over the last few months.
My big problem with this is just how bloody stupid it is. When you have people comparing Obama to Hitler, when you have people making up lies, etc. and then say that the people trying to actually say what is in the bill are unhinged...maybe Tinsley is from Bizarro world?
Okay... this is a new low. I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to set a new low in this debate, but he pulled it off.
Tinsley just finished pushing the "Deather" argument... and now we're supposed to believe he has serious objections? Objections that he apparently can't even turn into one of his usual disjointed rants?
Also, the Liberals are the one ones throwing crazy accusations around? Really?
At least Tinshley didn't try and claim it's liberals who are showing up at town-hall meetings with big-ass assault rifles.
Or is that tomorrow's strip?
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