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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

That damned Answer

What's Mallard raving about today?

Computer Repair

Mallard Fillmore hates Capitalism.


Kip W said...

Unless it's very, very unusual, the fact that they didn't automatically transfer data over was mentioned in that thing Mallard signed. Caveat emptor, stupid. It's the motto of your favored political party, and they're for applying it to all aspects of your life and always have been.

But you're going to find some way to blame this on the Democrats, aren't you?

CW in LA said...

Wait'll Duckie's informed that the extended warranty also doesn't cover damage incurred by spilling booze and/or puking all over the machine.

rewinn said...

"F.A.Q." with periods in it?

W.T.F. ?

Rootbeer said...

At least from this perspective we can't see the enormous hooked nose he felt it was necessary for this shyster to have...

Frank Stone said...

So Mallard (in all probability representing Bruce) got ripped off because he was too lazy to read the terms of the extended warranty before agreeing to purchase it... and that's the retailer's fault.

Up next: Mallard sues Coors after being arrested for drunk driving because the "please drink responsibly" notice on the TV commercial wasn't in a big enough font.

MissD said...

It's because the computer industry is run by people who studied science and evolution. Try developing a super high speed chip with creationism as your science.

David in NYC said...

Davey, I think it's time to add a checkbox under each post for "Why does Mallard hate capitalism?"