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Friday, May 07, 2010

Those damned People

What's Mallard raving about today?


Wow, so many possible responses...

  • Mallard, the people you hang out with say that because they are terrified to hear you talk about your feelings.
  • ...Says the duck who is currently sharing his feelings with us about people who share their feelings.
  • I might suggest that this is a candidate for Creepiest Unintentional Revelation, but I suppose the fact that Mallard hates pretty much all other people doesn't really count as a revelation, does it?


Tog said...

I guess he's finally given up on Chantel. Or finally murdered her HAW HAW LIBERALS ARE UNCIVIL

Ducky is Right said...

I'm lost. There's no context to what's going on, and we all know Ducky isn't a good enough writer to utilize in media res.
It really must suck to be Tinsley.

Iron Dragon said...

Hmm, I take it that Mallard, given context, would rather be in a relationship with someone who has emotional baggage that they fear discussing. As a result they either turn their depression inwards and deal with it through self medication or self mutilation or they try to bury it all the while loathing themselves and more and more starting to wish for the sweet embrace and peace of death. But that's a small price to pay if he doesn't have to hear them talk about an abusive ex or the fact that they wish he would be more compassionate and caring for others.

exanonymous said...

I like how Mallard equates conversation with opening up and sharing feelings. It's not the same thing.

But more obvious: if you don't like hanging around people sharing their feelings, QUITE HANGING AROUND ALCOHOL. Remove yourself from the drinking scene and you will find the quieter more reserved people. That's common sense, not rocket science!

Kip W said...

Mallard's really looking for a different type in a relationship. Somebody who doesn't talk about stuff. Somebody who has no feelings to share. Somebody who lets him do what he wants without commenting. In short, some body. Maybe a prostitute who works for free with him as her only client would satisfy the manly man who is Mallard Fillmore.

ps: Way too much information about a duck's naughty bits can be found on the internet. NSF Anybody.

dlauthor said...

Why does the bar they're at use office chairs for furniture? Or is this Mallard's workplace and, like Tinshley, he's just decided to drink there?

CW in LA said...

I think it's as funny as the Tinsh ever gets, how he hates listening to other people talk about their feelings, but he expects everyone to pay attention as he b!tches and kvetches his way through his crappy cartoon.

Unknown said...

...also interesting that a hardcore, public drunk (12/4/06, Tinsley was arrested for DUI with a blood alcohol level of 0.14, just below twice the legal limit in Indiana, according to the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Department) lovingly renders the suds on his beer (and the purple glop in the wine glass).


Steve-O said...

Wait a minute, let me get this straight,

Gay marriage=BAD
Duck on human love=GOOD

Okey dokie then, I guess I'll just run along....

Anonymous said...

Tinshley's id emerges... he hates women in bars, probably as a result of frequent rejection. I would bet money he drew this in a stupor after a night of unsuccessful hitting on whoever didn't move fast enough at his local dive.

Frank Stone said...

Kip -- Mallard would probably like the headless woman from that R. Crumb "Mr. Natural" cartoon.

WV: Credlina: The fairy princess in Brucie's fantasyland. She believes whatever he tells her (like when he says all the precious fuzzy bunny rabbits will die unless she services him RIGHT NOW).

Michael Foley said...

The wife doesn't shut the #@$%* up after bailing me out of jail, and random women at bars try to share their feelings with me! Women are awful.

To answer your question, Mallard: you can find the type of woman you're looking for in Nye County, Nevada; or Bangkok.

Watch out, though, another glass of wine and you'll have to find someone else to blow into your pre-ignition breathalyzer device before disappointing them later.

waaaahbaggers said...

Interestingly, Nickyrast can also find the "women" he's looking for in Bangkok. Or, as Rush Limbaugh could vouch, the Dominican.

Kaitlyn said...

I frequently say I hate people, and at times, I feel like it.

I don't want to be around people, and I hate being stuck in a crowd.

But even I'm not that much of a misanthrope. What is his problem?

This would be like me joining a sorority and bitching about being around being a bunch of people all the time.

If you know you hate it and derive no pleasure from it (I like the comments here, so only then can I look at the comic), then FFS don't do it.

And what party is the party of "personal responsibility" again?

Kaitlyn said...

And the first panel...

who says that? I've never heard that about "people".

I've heard/seen that by lazy writers about men - commercials, comics, sitcoms. "Ha ha, women talk about their feelings!"

But is there a repression problem going on, or is this his volcano comic?

rewinn said...

Silly Mallard! Everyone knows that you find these people who are afraid to share their feeling alone at home, watching TV with no pants on.