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Monday, September 27, 2010

That damned Identification

What's Mallard raving about today?

Republicans, Democrats, Teabaggers.

GOP comments about O'Donnell and Paladino suggest Republicans are not so happy with the band of extremist astroturfers they were hoping to exploit. Unlike the Religious Right, which they abused for years and who remain pliant sheep, the Teabaggers don't seem to know their place.

But, if Mallard thinks being to the right of the GOP makes the Teabaggers popular, I would ask him to explain the polling for his Teabagger candidates in Delaware and New York.


CasualBrowser said...

Considering how much disdain I have for the current batch of Democrats, I have to agree with this one. But in stead of saying 'way to go Tinsley', I think I'll try

"Even a blind... duck finds a, uh, cricket(?) now and then."

How'd I do?

Tog said...

That's funny. I keep hearing teabaggers claiming they hold Dems and the GOP in equal contempt--even if they'll vote Republican every time. (It's not that they disagree with the GOP's insane policies; they just don't believe the GOP goes far enough with 'em.)

The only major Democrat I can recall disassociating himself from the party in recent history is that Republican-in-Dem-clothing, Joe Lieberman.

Gosh, Batshit! It's like one of us is living in the real world, and the other is plugged into a 24-hour-a-day propaganda bubble that feeds him lies! (...Of course, I must be the one in the bubble, right?)

Rootbeer said...

In other news, some people continued to do stuff!

THIS JUST IN! Water is still wet!

Ducky is Right said...

So, basically, both parties suck, but the Republicans managed to re-brand themselves faster. Okay.

Steve-O said...

Wow, Bruce really messed up this "comic". Everyone knows it's "Democrat Party". Gosh, if Frank Luntz were dead he'd roll over in his grave.

Anonymous said...

With the news today that the Obama administration is demanding further wire-tapping/invasion of privacy powers, Tinsley may have to admit that the Democrats are even tougher on "terrorists" (i.e. uppity citizens who have heard of the Bill of Rights) than the GOP!

Not THAT Anonymous said...

Selectively Concerned Troll is selectively concerned. Go back to your Free Speech Zone, hippy.

GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

In fairness, Obama IS behaving pretty fucking appallingly here. The fact that people like anonymous would be A-okay with this if the last guy were doing it doesn't actually make it suck any less.

Not THAT Anonymous said...

Arguably true. But the fact is Selectively Concerned Troll WOULD be a-ok with this under a Republican WASP and is only bringing it up here for the sake of trolling.

rewinn said...

I can never figure out how Obama can be considered too liberal when he's basically doing what Nixon would do.

Not that that's necessarily bad, considering the alternatives we were offered in 2008 was to do as Hubert Hoover did and the alternatives we are offered for 2012 are to do as Jefferson Davis did.

Kip W said...

Nixon's too liberal too. Damn commie-symp! We'll dig him up and nail him good... and his little dog, too!