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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

That damned President

What's Mallard raving about today?

Former President Clinton.

Mallard is celebrating 15 years of garbage by peddling a meme that failed to take hold 15 months ago.


NLC said...

There was a really wonderful bit of irony that was easy to miss.

Smack in this middle of this deluge of pathetic self-aggrandizing, we get this reminder of how this kind of self-reference can be done by a master:

Click [Here] and scroll down to the strip for June 8.

Concise, witty, subtle, and --above all-- funny.

(For those who didn't know, Monday was Scott Adams' birthday)

Faldone said...

Why does everybody have Jay Leno's chin?

dlauthor said...

I'm sorry, but what? Does Mallard still think Bush is in power? Is he still promulgating the "Clinton h8s Obama" meme that choked on its own vomit and died around a year ago? Did that last bottle of corn mash finally kill the last brain cell that was keeping him vaguely coherent?

Anonymous said...

My fears that the 15 year self-celebration are going to go on all year were well-founded. Tinsley should be reminded of the dangers of auto-eroticism, as evidenced in the news recently.

Anonymous said...

Even for Mallard "make one lame-ass joke then repeat it over and over for a week" Fillmore, this self-love-fest is getting ridiculous. That it too is another of Tinshley's "make one lame-ass joke then repeat it over and over for a week" streaks, threatening to evolve into a months-long "joke", only worsens the matter...

Michael Foley said...

Anonymous #2 is right. I was certain the "Most Interminable Series" Golden Ellipse was locked up in January, but now there's some serious competition. How many times do I have to learn not to overestimate Mallard Fillmore?

wv: dence - a dense dunce. e.g., one who believes that Bill Clinton wants Obama, and thereby his own wife's career, to fail.

Kyle said...

This is Week Two of Mallard-Masturbation week, correct? Perhaps this will go on for the entire year. I wouldn't put it past Tinsley, scratch out 365 cartoons over the course of one weekend and *BAM* a full year free to drink Winner's Cup vodka and throw the empties at Peyton Manning's visage on the TV.

Michael Foley said...

Aghhh, don't mention Peyton Manning!!

rewinn said...

Structurally, there is something that is supposed to be a punchline: Clinton suggesting that Mallard is going easy on Obama!

That's funny because ... why? ... because Clinton is agreeing with Tinkley?

Bill the Splut said...

*sob* Oh, June you are. If Tin Ear holds to his promise, then the Mallard Tribute to Mallard's Appreciation of Mallard's Festival of Mallard Masturbation ends today!

And it ends with a BILL CLINTON joke! Thank you, Mallard, thank you for being the least relevant political cartoon ever! Hey, and these kids today with their Mutant Ninja Turtles and Swatches, know what I mean?!

You've given us so much more than we can ever give to you. But maybe that's because you want the beer bottles to be full when we throw then at your head.

GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Sorry. Saturday's another "I'm so awesome" comic. What do we think the odds are he can pull another week out of this?