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Friday, July 31, 2009

That damned traitor

What's Mallard raving about today?

Michael Jackson, Racism.

Wow, a double Straw Man. I'm pretty sure that's a Mallard first.


GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Leave it to Tinsley to actually make me want to defend hooplah over celebrity deaths. I've been more bemused than anything else by this series, but my patience is at an end. Why don't you take your racist, alcoholic rantings to the stormfront message boards instead of inflicting them on innocent newspaper readers? Shithead.

Tog said...

"Some people" say that Tin's one seriously dim bulb.

CW in LA said...

And nearly all people say that he's a no-talent hack.

exanonymous said...


rewinn said...

Even inane drunkards owe it to their readers to edit their racist crap. Here, Tinkley, is a crisper version:

"Negative remarks on the media hype over Michael Jackson's death might be racist."

"Some black people called Jackson a 'race traitor' ..."

"Stop! Just listening to you might be racist!"


See? Jokes are funnier when they have less pointless filler material.

Bonus: it takes less time to read it, so we suffer less.

Anonymous said...

He's just torturing us now. Like the self-congratulatory strips about his anniversary or his droning on and on about the college football bowl system, he has the obsessions of a nut case. I want Brewster Rockit!

Michael Foley said...


Celia said...

Hopefully, he'll have a new subject next week.

Frank Stone said...

After a week of this drivel, he suddenly added the qualifier "possibly" to his asinine charges of racism? Did he forget what he wrote in all his previous strips on this topic?

Oh, right -- booze blackouts. Got it.

Jazzbumpa said...

Henceforth, I will call anything pursued beyond the end of the line "jumping the duck."

WV: drubl - Russian for duck shit.

Beef Wellington said...

This is the topic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my freinds, some people tried to point out, that he was the only one,
still hanging on to mj but he just replied that...

This is the topic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my freinds, some people tried to point out, that he was the only one,
still hanging on to mj but he just replied that...

This is the topic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my freinds, some people tried to point out, that he was the only one,
still hanging on to mj but he just replied that...

Unknown said...

BT: Forget Michael Jackson, one day was enough!
On to far more important issues...

The New York Times/CBS poll shows:

--Sixty-nine percent of respondents believe Obama’s plan will hurt the quality of their own healthcare.

--Seventy-three percent believe it would limit their access to tests and treatment.

--Sixty-two percent believe Democrats’ proposals would require them to change doctors.

--Seventy-six believe healthcare reform will lead to them paying higher taxes.

--A whopping 77 percent expect their healthcare costs to rise.

New York Times Buries Bad Poll for Obama.

The 47 Million Uninsured.

A side note...I heard today that Senator Christopher Dodd has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and is going to have prostate cancer surgery in August.

What I don't know is whether he's going to Canada or the UK for the surgery. Since he can't trust the insurance "villains" and doctors in this country to do it right, where's he going to have his prostate cancer surgery, Canada or the UK?

I know our health care system is the best in the world but according to Obama and most of the Democrats it sucks.

Michael Foley said...

On to far more important issues...

Smooth transition from Michael Jackson to healthcare, troll!

Ducky us Right said...

Gosh, I wonder where all those people got their negative perceptions of a plan that isn't even fully written out yet. Gee...

Senator Dodd will assuredly receive the socialized health care that Bill Kristol thinks is the best health care in the world.

Well, I can think of at least 47 million other Americans who probably agree with Obama the Democrats about the overall quality of the current American health care system.

Tog said...

I know our health care system is the best in the world

Ah, faith-based knowledge. The best kind! Like a rock!! A rock intelligently designed by Jehovah!!

Tog said...

And if I could jump back to Michael Jackson for one moment, THIS is how you deal with the hoopla in one clean shot.

Sure, there's no swipes at black celebrities or Jews, so it's not a good fit for Tin, but that's kinda the point.

CW in LA said...

Hell, I have insurance, and I think our health care system sucks. After all, in the event of a serious illness, it's unlikely everything will be covered, and it's off to bakruptcy court.

I heard that, according to the UN (I know, they're all furriners and Frenchmen, so Tinshley and the trolls won't care), our health care system actually ranks 37th in the world, just ahead of Slovenia. And those guys didn't even have their own country 20 years ago. If we don't get serious about fixing this, they'll pass us too.

CW in LA said...

Oh, and another thing: That "where's Sen. Dodd going, the UK or Canada" bit is lifted more or less verbatim from none other than the big fat Oxycontin-addicted Dominican kiddie-diddler himself, according to Media Matters. That and Michael Ramirez, some serious intellectual honesty there, that's the ticket.

wv: ducesis - from Latin 'stare ducesis', indicating that the douchebag remains a douchebag.

exanonymous said...

The level of access for the rich is not a good indicator of the quality in the country. A nation's prosperity is not judged by the rich, but by the quality of life of the average citizen and the poor. Otherwise, by those standards, North Korea is a prosperous country because its elite eat well.

Gotta hand it to the neocons though. They are playing on fears of things that are already true to weaken something so that the status quo largely remains in effect, and then blame the tiny bit of reform for the negatives of the status quo. A little work and a lot of result. Not good for the country, but some people get rich, and that makes us all better, right?

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

rewinn said...

"...The level of access for the rich is not a good indicator of the quality in the country. A nation's prosperity is not judged by the rich, but by the quality of life of the average citizen and the poor. Otherwise, by those standards, North Korea is a prosperous country because its elite eat well."

Dang, that's well said!