What's Mallard raving about today?
Roman Polanski, Hollywood.
I offer no defense for Roman Polanski apologists.
But, as usual, Mallard takes the statements and actions of individuals and imputes them to an entire segment of people whom he either detests as a predetermined fact or chooses to detest as a result. Counter-examples within the segment are not welcome, thank you very much.
Either way it's intellectually lazy. I mean, if you're going to spend your life being a Hater, then at least show some pride in your work.
So that's it? Brucie can just make shit up about what the imaginary hypocritical libruls in his head are doing and call it a day? Quite a racket!
It's true that Tinsley has never raped a young girl (as far as we know); he's content to just creepily sexualize them. Good for him! Unlike Polanski, however, he's never produced anything of any value...man, I'm really torn here.
That small group of Polanski supporters is clearly representative of all liberals. If only they were as keen on women's rights as those 30 Republicans who supported gang rape arbitration contracts.
I have no defense for Polanski. I'm not even sure why I should. As a liberal, I feel that money and success should not protect someone from justice for the victim.
Doing 15 minutes of research, it appears that at least some of the outrage (not mine) is on how and when the arrest and why the arrest occurred now and what negotiations might have been. He did plead guilty all those years ago, so no one is really denying the fact that he committed statutory rape.
I do wish the outrage was equally applied for other cases as well. For instance, there are certain senators who voted against a bill that forbids companies from settling rape cases in arbitration. So according to these senators, we wouldn't be extracting him if he had a contract with an arbitration clause with victim?
Imagine Tinsley's quandary, had Polanski impregnated his victim. (This may be why Limbaugh and Mallard both prefer "sleepovers" involving children of the male gender.)
Anyway, in Doonesbury Tinsley's mortal enemy Trudeau has already disposed of the subject AND made Tinsley look like both a johnny-come-lately AND a moron (which of course he is).
Aside from the Polansky thing..."More long speeches about woman's rights, children's rights".
Seriously? Yeah, it's real hard being an adult white male in America, isn't it Tinsley?
It's a sign of how repugnant I find Roman Polanski's behavior that I'm not even embarrassed that I share Tinshley's opinion of it.
Rest of the implications in the comic are pure drunken bullshit, of course, but he's right about a part of what he has to say, which must end a hell of a long streak.
Word verification: meholoar -- in ancient alchemy, a prized substance similar to a bezoar, which protected people from poison when placed in a cup. A meholoar, instead, assures that the drinker remains a raging asshole. As in, "Bruce Tinshley always keeps his prized meholoar in his bottle of cooking sherry."
But dlauthor, he doesn't actually say anything about Roman Polanski, does he? Polanski is just a convenient vehicle for a typical "the libruls in my head are hypocrites!"
Yes, those long speeches about the women and the children ... so silly and tedious. Screw'm. It's not like they're people or anything ...
We've heard of "white liberal guilt", right? Well, this seems to me to be an instance of what we might call "mean conservative guilt". Deep down -- way, WAY deep down -- right-wingers like Brucie realize how shallow, meanspirited, and sociopathic they are, so, to distract themselves from any further self-examination, they lash out at any person or event which serves to remind them of their utter lack of human decency. Hey, it's cheaper than therapy ...
"...in Doonesbury Tinsley's mortal enemy Trudeau has already disposed of the subject AND made Tinsley look like both a johnny-come-lately AND a moron (which of course he is)."
Yep. Not only did Trudeau nail it, he managed to do so a whole week before Tinshley.
Wanna bet of the next four days feature Woody Allen on family values? That affair still makes me gag, even though his art is amazingly great. There's enough hypocrisy in Hollywood to keep this series lasting thru Halloween, and it frees Tinkley to drink some more research!
Meanwhile, the majority of Republican Senators who are pro-rape now have their own website; stop by & leave them a message!
Well, the only good side to this is that no doubt Tinsley will now treat us to a week generalizing from the idiot anti-miscegenation Louisiana Justice of the Peace to the entire Republican party.
What IS a Legitimate 'News Organization'? Obama knows.
Polanski's victim may be the first 13 year-old girl Tinsley didn't refer to as a pop tart.
Anonymous Coward didn't even bother with a wall of text this time, just some irrelevant link to his blog.
Don't you love the smell of spam?
The reason anonyloser is incapable of presenting coherent arguments is because the entire right-wing has experienced a complete semiotic breakdown, and now they can only "communicate" via an incomprehensible mishmash of decontextualized buzzwords, talking points, and dog whistles. It's actually quite fascinating.
In other news, Anonypederast has a very small penis.
I stop reading at the word "thug" now.
If it makes the neocons feel any better, I stop reading at the word thug in relation to Bush as well. The inaccurate portrayal of both as Mafia masters or whoever else in the criminal world employs thugs is stupid and ridiculous.
Mafia? Oh, exanonymous, you have them all wrong! They're comparing him to The Old Man of the Mountain, who used powerful hashish as one of many tools to control his murdering thuggee. It's actually pretty interesting reading.
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