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Friday, September 30, 2011

That damned TV

What's Mallard raving about today?

Television, technology.

Mallard doesn't understand what a nervous breakdown is and apparently believes it is some sort of age-related disease. Sort of like the early-onset dementia from which he, himself, suffers.

Alternate, equally-plausible, reading: Mallard's television has seen the equivalent of 112 years of usage since 1993.


Tucci said...

Hm. You'd think that with the requirement to justify the revenue provided by syndication and the access to information he's gotten by way of fifteen years' experience in cranking out fodder for conservatives, Tinsley could come up with something on-point every day.

He obviously frequents, an aggregating site for right-wing news and opinion. He couldn't get something from that as opposed to a nonspecific complaint about TV?

Hm. If Tinsley twits you Obama-fellating "Liberal" fascisti so painfully, I wonder what you might think of Chris Muir's Web comic Day by Day?

Mallard Fillmore sure doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Tog said...

Hm. Chris Muir is well established as a complete gibbering idiot. We've discussed his "work" before here, but his trollery---being even more substance-free than Batshit's (or yours, Tuc-Tuc)---doesn't hold anyone's interest for very long.


Marion Delgado said...

If you had to stare back at a fascist rabid duck-crotch for 112 years I think you'd have a nervous breakdown too, so I spot the duck this one.

Marion Delgado said...

Shorter Tucci:

Narcissists still don't get why other people don't want to discuss THE most fascinating subject (them) ever, cuz they sure always do.

Strike that - narcissists still unclear on the 'there are other people' concept :)

Anonymous said...

Obviously the TV has been on FOX too much, and the conflict with reality is the cause of the nervous breakdown.


Kip W said...

People years. Do you suppose he knows he's not human and has already lived far beyond his allotted lifespan?

Overthinking again.

Steve-O said...

In other news Mallard Fillmore has invented a time machine that in 1993 allowed him to travel to the future and purchase a flat-screen TV. It's telling that that's all he could think of to do.

dlauthor said...

OK, so what kind of TV does Mallard point his tiny duck nuggets at every day? I thought Tinshley had converted it to a flat-panel recently, because even he noticed that people watch those instead of giant honking tube TVs nowadays, but now he's claiming that horrible, mutant contraption is 18 years old. Is that really a tube TV, just even more ineptly drawn than usual?

It's amazing how someone who repeats himself so damn often can be so wildly inconsistent. Also incontinent, but that's the Miller High Life's fault, right Bruce?

Rootbeer said...

Oh god, this is start of a story line where he goes shopping for a new flatscreen widescreen tallscreen 1040g 80Hz 3-D LZD HBTV, isn't it.

Toots McGee said...

Maybe he'll look through the yellow pages to find a television repairman.

Rootbeer said...

Thanks for NOTHING, Tucci, for reminding me that "Day Bidet" is a thing that exists.

I see that Chris M. Urine has progressed to having his female characters appear entirely nude on occasion, rather than just perpetually scantily-clad. I guess that makes the wordy nonsense spewing from their word-balloons more credible, somehow?

CW in LA said...

Oh dear gosh, Rootbeer, you don't suppose that means we'll be proceeding from pantsless Mallard to buck nekkid Mallard, does it (*shudder*)?

Steve-O said...

Wow, just checked out "day by day", I think it's hilarious how right-wing lunatics attempt to insulate themselves from charges of racism by pre-emptively accusing the other side of playing the "race card". My impression of "day by day"? Other than being a Rorschach Test of racism for Teabagging idiots it made no sense whatsoever.

ajm said...

I sometimes think Bruce Tinsley and Chris Muir are lefty moles infiltrating the conservative media to spread the perception that right-wingers are frighteningly unfunny.

WV: "winse" Insert joke here.

Tinsley: Sociopath said...

I would call Day-By-Day an extremist cartoon, but it is so incomprehensible, poorly written and badly designed that I cannot figure out which side it is supposed to support.

Tucci said...

There's an objection to Muir filling some panels in his Web comic with nekkid and near-nekkid pneumatic "female characters"?

Oh, yeah, I forgot. We're dealing with "Liberal" fascists here. The first iterations (1922-1945) kept it in the closet.

More or less.

Steve-O said...

Douchie, it's not really a problem for me that "Day by Day" has scantily clad women, but if I don't have to traffic a racist, idiotic, unfunny, right-wing "comic" to see scantily clad women then I won't.

Tucci said...

Dem der coloured people best be gettin back to muh cotton fields i tell yas what,doan know how wes got a negro as president spessally one dat was born in afrika land ahyuk.

Tinsley: Sociopath said...

I see Tucci is becoming more literate and understandable, and less racist.

rewinn said...

The concept behind today's Mallard Fillmore is stupid because, as DaveyK noted, nervous breakdowns are not related to age, and as Steve-O suggested, it's badly drawn because the image directly contradicts the text, but I saw that at least it's not a hateful screed. That's progress!

Meanwhile, the impotently raging @Tucci wrote:

... in an obvious homoerotic self-revelation.

Not that there's anything WRONG with @Tucci's desire to orally pleasure a powerful black man. This is America and that's not criminal anymore.

As for Chris Muir, I congratulate his decision to suggest that Sarah Palin is somehow relevant, something no intelligent person would consider for a moment since she hasn't even bothered to register for the Florida primary. There are fools, and then there are Sarah Palin fans; the latter exist to make the former feel not as stupid.

The Christ Muir fans exist to make the Sarah Palin fans fell smart.

Steve-O said...

@rewinn, if there was a "like" button I would have selected it for your last post.

Tucci said...

So with his "powerful black man" slobbering, rewinn is fantasizing about blowing Herman Cain?

After all Herman Cain's the only Black guy on either side of the mainstream factions' 2012 electoral race.

Kip W said...

I wouldn't mind 'girl art' in Day by Day if it was better done. To quote someone else, "Most males would hesitate to admit they've never seen a woman naked, but this guy shouts it to the world in every drawing."

Tucci said...

Kip W makes a good observation about Chris Muir's recent cartooning style, which is bothersomely cluttered. I'd credit my own difficulties to aging eyes but for the fact that I can remember back a few years ago - when Day By Day was a quasi-Dilbert strip about the principal characters - not as yet romantically paired-off - interacting chiefly in their corporate workplace.

There was no "nekkid broad" content and the drawing style was pretty much uncluttered.

Might could be that Muir "discontinued service to newspapers" and went over to Web-only publication so he could indulge in the presentation of "scantily clad women" and build his business model on revenue from banner advertising, direct reader contributions, and the marketing of products related to the strip's branding.

I don't know the extent to which Muir has ever "seen a woman naked," but he seems to be pleasing enough people to keep himself in business without having to subject his output to "family newspaper" type censorship.

Tog said...

Tuc-Tuc's broken-record argument today seems to be "if it doesn't go away, it must be successful, and if it's successful it must be right."

See also: Michael Bay.

Of course, Tuc-Tuc lives in a delusional fantasy in which Chris Muir, Bruce Tinsley, and Tuc-Tuc himself "enrage" us with their persistent displays of smug stupidity parading as "the real" intelligence, so grain of salt and all that.

exanonymous said...

Mallard values his television like a dog. Huh.

Tucci said...

Aw, c'mon, Tog. You don't "go away" and I'd never argue that you were "successful."

Anonymous said...

Tucci I wouldn't argue that you have any semblance of sanity.