Yes, yes, Mallard. We get it. You have a pointless rage going on.
Can we move on please?
Batshit is simply providing his "valuable" service of media balance: because of all the stories one reads of underpaid teachers spending their own money to provide underprivleged children with necessary school supplies, Batshit is compelled to counter by portraying them as lazy harpies who hold back all the little uber-human future neoconservatives who will one day free America from its horrific state of Socialist tyranny.
Well, since there's nothing new to say about this distasteful hategasm, let's speculate about his eagerly-anticipated 9/11 comic. Anyone else think he's going to use it as an excuse to attack the "ground zero mosque?" That would be too low even for Tinsley, you say? You appear to be forgetting that he has previously used the occasion to endorse racial profiling. No such thing as "too low" for Our Bruce.
Malard is no doubt pining for the carefree days when he was a schoolboy, The cool bus that was shorter then the rest, The extra naptime he would get and the sticker on all of his work that said "You're Special"
Add: If ther is one thing I can't stand it's an itellectually bankrupt duck who brates others to compensate for his own failings.
Wait, liberals are calling other people elitist? This makes no sense.
Anyways, I'm sure private schools are much better than public schools. We all know state owned and operated companies have no one's best interests at heart, and it is the private companies that bleed for and take care of their own.
The hidden joke is that Mrs. Carp isn't even a Math teacher -- she's trying to explain the Civil War to the class, but keeps getting interrupted by rude children whose attention spans have been eroded by television and diets rich in processed sugars.
let's speculate about his eagerly-anticipated 9/11 comic.
Bad drawing of fireman, geometrically impossible depiction of the WTC Cross, American flag background missing several stars, out-of-context quote from a Founding Father. Ink it, mail it, done.
Whoa! Whoa! Hang on a minute! I thought conservatives were supposed to accuse liberals of being an "elitists". In this "comic" the liberal teacher is accusing the sweet, innocent, conservative child of being an "elitist". This has turned my world upside-down.
(not really, I know Tinsley is never consistent or thoughtful)
This week's interminable entry brings to mind an old proverb (though not from the Bible, so Brucie wouldn't have heard of it) which goes:
"Beware the artisan who boasts of twenty years' experience at his craft, when in fact he has only had one year of experience -- twenty times."
If past is prologue, we can look forward to a week of strips in which Brucie celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his single year of experience -- assuming his liver holds out that long.
Yes, it's been dragging on all week (and this is why the teacher doesn't like Li'l Rush getting ahead of the class, because it would leave them with nothing on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday), but when we do finally reach the punch line, we'll find it's all a big misunderstanding!
See, Li'l Rush was just visiting Mister Tinsley, who showed him some pictures on the computer, and now he wants to know how to find the area of a rectum.
Bill the Splut, you're almost there. He hates people who are elitists, he hates people who aren't elitists, therefore he hates people.
So if he has to support anybody, it'll be whoever will help him get rid of people, so he may as well align with some morons who will start a new war and get as many people killed as possible.
...Yeah, logic doesn't work here, does it? That's way too consistent.
Batshit is simply providing his "valuable" service of media balance: because of all the stories one reads of underpaid teachers spending their own money to provide underprivleged children with necessary school supplies, Batshit is compelled to counter by portraying them as lazy harpies who hold back all the little uber-human future neoconservatives who will one day free America from its horrific state of Socialist tyranny.
...It's in Revelations, people!!!
Well, since there's nothing new to say about this distasteful hategasm, let's speculate about his eagerly-anticipated 9/11 comic. Anyone else think he's going to use it as an excuse to attack the "ground zero mosque?" That would be too low even for Tinsley, you say? You appear to be forgetting that he has previously used the occasion to endorse racial profiling. No such thing as "too low" for Our Bruce.
Malard is no doubt pining for the carefree days when he was a schoolboy, The cool bus that was shorter then the rest, The extra naptime he would get and the sticker on all of his work that said "You're Special"
Add: If ther is one thing I can't stand it's an itellectually bankrupt duck who brates others to compensate for his own failings.
If teachers hate elitists ...
And Teabaggers hate elitists ...
Then this teacher is a Teabagger!
Wait, liberals are calling other people elitist? This makes no sense.
Anyways, I'm sure private schools are much better than public schools. We all know state owned and operated companies have no one's best interests at heart, and it is the private companies that bleed for and take care of their own.
Unless you're a miner in Chile.
The hidden joke is that Mrs. Carp isn't even a Math teacher -- she's trying to explain the Civil War to the class, but keeps getting interrupted by rude children whose attention spans have been eroded by television and diets rich in processed sugars.
let's speculate about his eagerly-anticipated 9/11 comic.
Bad drawing of fireman, geometrically impossible depiction of the WTC Cross, American flag background missing several stars, out-of-context quote from a Founding Father.
Ink it, mail it, done.
You assume his laziness will overwhelm his hatefulness? I guess we can only hope.
I wonder if his syndicates realized they just gave him a week's pay for one days' worth of strip.
Do you suppose maybe this is actually a supremely clever and subtle self parody? That teacher DOES look a lot like how he draws himself...
Tinsley's 9/11 comic will be that the event proves Dr. Laura Schlessinger right.
Also, that Stephen Colbert perfectly stated the issue without any humor.
As a teacher let me just say: Fuck you, Tinsh. Fuck you with a jackhammer. And I know some coyotes who'd like to meet your duck.
Whoa! Whoa! Hang on a minute!
I thought conservatives were supposed to accuse liberals of being an "elitists". In this "comic" the liberal teacher is accusing the sweet, innocent, conservative child of being an "elitist". This has turned my world upside-down.
(not really, I know Tinsley is never consistent or thoughtful)
This week's interminable entry brings to mind an old proverb (though not from the Bible, so Brucie wouldn't have heard of it) which goes:
"Beware the artisan who boasts of twenty years' experience at his craft, when in fact he has only had one year of experience -- twenty times."
If past is prologue, we can look forward to a week of strips in which Brucie celebrates the twentieth anniversary of his single year of experience -- assuming his liver holds out that long.
Yes, it's been dragging on all week (and this is why the teacher doesn't like Li'l Rush getting ahead of the class, because it would leave them with nothing on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday), but when we do finally reach the punch line, we'll find it's all a big misunderstanding!
See, Li'l Rush was just visiting Mister Tinsley, who showed him some pictures on the computer, and now he wants to know how to find the area of a rectum.
(Kids and wingnuts just say the darndest things!)
He hates elitists, he hates people who hate eltitistsaaaAAARRRGGGHH!!! CORRELATE, NORMAN, CORRELATE head splosion!
Maybe tomorrow's strip will feature Lil Rush being held to ridicule in art class, because all he can draw is DUCK CROTCHES.
WV: gonsic; "One more day of this strip and I gon be sic!"
Bill the Splut, you're almost there. He hates people who are elitists, he hates people who aren't elitists, therefore he hates people.
So if he has to support anybody, it'll be whoever will help him get rid of people, so he may as well align with some morons who will start a new war and get as many people killed as possible.
...Yeah, logic doesn't work here, does it? That's way too consistent.
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