What's Mallard raving about today?
Hair Plugs, racism, Joe Biden, Barack Obama.
I'd feel bad about repeating myself, If Mallard didn't force me into it.
Mallard, I defy you to point me to an instance where Senator Obama declared a topic off limits.
Oh, and goddamnit Mallard, if you say "hair plug' jokes are offensive" rather than "racist" this would have worked a lot better. Do I really have to write your stuff and my own?
But I'm sure that Mallard's okay with it being "off-limits" to criticize Sarah Palin in any way, shape, or form. Since that's sexist and everything.
Boy, Tinsley finds being constrained to not fling racial slurs around REALLY trying, doesn't he?
I'm surprised he didn't have more quotation marks and ellipses.
Tinz/Mallard just confirm my belief that people who bitch and moan about political correctness just want to use racial slurs, and probably sexist ones as well.
Political Correctness just seems like politeness to me, but then again, I'm a PC Thug and a Feminazi.
Oddly enough, today's Prickly City also had a joke about Joe Biden's hair plugs. Conservative cartoonists, unite!
Biden has hair plugs?
Why does this matter?
...because his hair would be only three heartbeats from the Presidency... duh...
Confused - you know how Jon Stewart will pause, take a drink, and then do a spittake at something outrageous?
I read that and wished I'd been drinking water so I could choke.
Funnier than the damn comic.
Political Correctness just seems like politeness to me, but then again, I'm a PC Thug and a Feminazi.
There's being politically incorrect, and then there's just being an asshole. You pick which one Tins is.
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