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Monday, February 19, 2007

That damned President

What's Mallard raving about today?

Ronald Reagan, President's Day.

Does Mallard imagine that he's in a small club for whom Reagan is the favorite President?

If that were a poster of James K. Polk or Chester A. Arthur I might understand his smug superiority at having an unusual favorite President.

But Ronald Reagan? How banal.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I could only figure out that it was Reagan because, come on, it's Mallard Fillmore. Looked vaguely like Robert Mitchum.

Charles CĂ©leste Hutchins said...

Is Reagan wielding a hammer?

Kaitlyn said...

I'm just he glad he spared us from more rhymes.

Our favorite presidents, on presidents day, are the ones who were born about this time - Washington and Lincoln.

So since he's choosing a modern, but dead, president, he's a maverick.

And les, Reagan took the hammer of communism to tear down this wall.

Time to make everyone feel old - I was born 3 months before Bush Sr was elected. Ha!

GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Yeah, whenever I'm in a store with one of those "you must have been born on this day or later to buy cigarettes" daily calendars, I'm shocked to realize that kids born in 1989 are allowed to smoke. But...but...they're just kids!

Scanman said...

He thinks JFK is his favorite president? Why is he so down on Teddy?

Scanman said...

I worked at a steak place in Seattle that had a very Republic clientele. Two right wing radio stations had competing celebrations for Ronald Reagan's birthday. It's in February, so these right wingers want his birthday to be a national holiday. After all he has done more for this country than that Martin Luther something guy.

A sad group of people indeed.

Anonymous said...

"Look, I'm conservative! Hee-hee-hee!"

Mike Podgor said...

Isn't President's Day about celebrating all the presidents, and not just the ones we like?

Erich said...

I wish I had a William Howard Taft poster that I could put on my wall...

Anonymous said...

Note that Ronnie has his eyes closed...

Anonymous said...

Silly me, I was under the impression that Presidents day was simply combining Washingtons B-day and Lincolns B-day as they were only a week apart. Oh well, my favorite President was Theodore Roosevelt, a true Republican who would have shot Mallard and served him up for sunday dinner.

mapaghimagsik said...

I don't have a favorite president -- though any one other than GWB stands up far better in comparison, even Mallard's namesake: Millard Filmore.

Unknown said...

My fav. is Jimmy Carter! Dude builds houses and won a nobel peace prize! You don't see Reagan doing that!

Wait, is he dead? Reagan, I mean?