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Monday, November 29, 2010

That damned Blame

What's Mallard raving about today?

President Obama.

Considering that Republicans blamed President Obama for TARP, a Bush Administration program, this is deeply ironic.


Tog said...

Time to dump the whole "new direction for Mallard Fillmore!!!1" down the ol' memory hole already, Batshit?

Oh, the irony of that Project Wonderful flashing-banner ad at the top of the D&C main page...

Michael Foley said...

Yet another Mallard Fillmore cartoon that can be filed under "projection".

CasualBrowser said...

So, the Republicans/Fox News blamed Clinton for everything for 16+ years, then transferred blame over to Obama, compleatly skipping over W. I guess Bush Jr. is guilty of no transgressions or mistakes during his administration, and shouldn't be accused of such by anyone. Yeah, that fits...

Kip W said...

During the BP fiasco, Fox commentators were blaming it on Carter, and they're still dragging FDR's corpse out for ritual abuse, but IOKIYAR!

Rootbeer said...

Does Bruce understand that speech balloons and thought balloons actually represent different forms of communication?

Paul Smecker said...

I might be wantin' a dick to suck with my coffee.

dlauthor said...

Wait, does this mean Mallard stays unemployed? Will he ever see anything good on television? Will he ever turn off the television? Will he ever put on pants?

Will I ever care?

CW in LA said...

Kip W-

On top of which, according to Glenn Beck everything bad in the world was masterminded by Woodrow Wilson.

rewinn said...

The unintended irony here is that Obama has not been forceful at all in laying out the case that the economic collapse that occurred on Bush's watch was due to Bush's policies, and that therefore returning to them would be a mistake.

But I look forward to the House GOP blaming Obama for their inability to restore the right of insurers to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions. The Obama who ran for president would have had a lot of fun with that. I don't know who took his place in the Oval Office.

Frank Stone said...

"The new Republican Congress"? Uh, no, Brucie -- you're mistaking your wishful thinking for reality again. That would be "the new Republican HOUSE". The House of Representatives is only one PART of Congress. See, the Dems still control the Senate, which is the other part. It's not like 2006, when we had a new Democratic Congress because the Dems gained control of both the House AND the Senate. See how that works? No, of course you don't.

Bill the Splut said...

Hey! I was right! He did ditch the "Mallard is unemployed" storyline for the "Americans vote against their own best interests" storyline!

And I was wrong! I guessed that it would happen 2 weeks ago. Either Bruce runs on the usual 4 week delay for comic strips, as the occasionally-political strips Candorville and Non Sequitur also mentioned the elections today. Or that "Daytime TV SUX!!!" crap was just too, too precious and brilliant for him to pause.

Whatever. Way to suck, Dullard.

exanonymous said...

Before November, I believe it was 100% patriotic and American to find fault with congress.

After November, well, conservatives can't REALLY be to blame, even if the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression was done under their watch.

How'd those tax cuts for the wealthy work out? Is trickle-down saving the economy yet, or do the uber-wealthy have really slow-filtering kidneys?

Kip W said...

CW in LA - Yes, I forgot that part. I expect we'll find that Wilson is responsible for the Democrats blaming things on W, too.