What's Mallard raving about today?
Himself, Patriots.
To re-cap: Mallard: Patriot. People in some places: Patriots. The rest of you: Not Patriots.
What that has to do with Lactose Intolerance is anyone's guess, but I suspect Mallard long since forgot how this little pity party started.
Batshit responds:
"Lactose intolerance? I never said anything about lactose intolerance. You must be some crazy Islamofascist liberal, you crazy Islamofascist liberal! And even if I had mentioned lactose intolerance, I'm sure it would've been a wittier, more intelligent, and more patriotic joke than anything YOU could come up with! You liberal!!"
(farts loudly)
"YOU did that!"
Why won't liberals answer the fact that the fabrics that the gays use are MUSLIN and SATIN???
Do they think we're stupid??
WV: Pussing IANMTU
Before the big Liberapocalpyse Martyr Firing:
Mallard sat in front of his TV, unhappy.
After the big Liberapocalypse Martyr Firing:
Mallard sat in front of his TV, unhappy.
And MyCage was cancelled!
Why is someone patriotic for declaring themselves lactose intolerant? People from Indiana, Texas, and Wyoming must be pretty stupid if they think someone's national pride is closely linked to how much dairy they consume.
That's quite a stretch for the neocon bird to get in the mandatory jingoistic chest thumping.
O'Reilly didn't call him a patriot, though... he seized on one thing Mallard said and used it to accuse him of being a "quakebuttock"... like he does...
I suggest a new award just for this series: The Teaparty Award: For biggest dellusion of grandeur.
You'd think that cow-focused states wouldn't really be all that well-disposed toward lactose intolerance.
But then, there's that word again, "think."
Speaking of patriotism, the GOP is now against Ronald Reagan's plan to let us inspect Russia's nukes.
Please renewing START would be a victory for Obama ... the GOP is basically playing with treason here.
Tin needs to do a little reading before he draws the day's strip. He could start with the last couple days' strips.
Who does not remember the past will repeat it, all week long.
Translation of today's strip:
So, if you're fired for being a bigot, you're a patriot. We got it. Do we really need 10 days of this crap, with at least 2 more to come? And being reminded EVERY DAY that "Mallard has been fired by liberals because he's a bigot"? Thanks, Tinny, I do have an attention span longer than a gnat or FOX viewer. And 12 days of the same scribble of Dullard sitting there like a lump of dung, staring blankly ahead? I think that if I was the subject of what EVERY MAJOR NETWORK CONSIDERS THE TOP STORY FOR 2 WEEKS, as this has been presented, even I'd be fucking bored by it, too.
From my Stupidest Things Ever Said Page-a-Day calendar, earlier this week:
"If this trend continues, no one could discriminate against anyone for any reason."--Republican delegate Kelli Sobonya (Cabell County, West Virginia), speaking against extending a human rights law to cover homosexuals and the disabled.
WV: reader; as in the elementary school publication My Weekly Reader, which is directed at a more educated audience than Dullard Failmore
I'm beginning to get a clue regarding from where Batshit gets his utter screaming insanity:
"They (NPR) are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda."
--Roger Ailes, president of FOX Propaganda
I really wish it said Wisconsin instead of Wyoming.
So, taken alone because lord knows I don't want to remember, this is just another "liberal media hates America blah blah blah blah" strip.
This is from Tinsley's twitter feed:
Speaking to school kids today. Not being too "political" is always the challenge
I would imagine not being too "shit-faced" is always the real challenge. Who in God's name would authorize Tinsley to speak to innocent children?
Yes, he IS being paid for these.
Who needs college when you got wingnut welfare?
Who in God's name would authorize Tinsley to speak to innocent children?
Well, this may be pro-boner work, if you know what I mean. "Hey kids! Nice day. Who wants to come to my place and roll around on my carpet? Heh heh heh."
Or he might have been invited to reinforce the conditioning of some up'n coming generation of Phelpses or other backwood wahoos who "know the truth" that fluoride gives you AIDS.
Not being too "political" is always the challenge
Translation: Gotta be careful not to be blatantly racist. That kid looks a little not-light-enough. Might be a set-up. I'm on SO many enemies lists...
Bill the Splut sez: And being reminded EVERY DAY that "Mallard has been fired by liberals because he's a bigot"? Thanks, Tinny, I do have an attention span longer than a gnat or FOX viewer.
Now, here I think you're making an incorrect assumption. He's not reminding us: he's reminding himself. When he finishes a strip, he draws the first balloon in on the next strip so he won't lose his way. Anything he doesn't put there is as good as lost because his wife takes each strip away and sends it off for him so nothing can happen to it.
WV: whinge. Heh.
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