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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Those damned Facists

What's Mallard raving about today?

The Media, Himself.

In Mallard's fantasy world, the Right Wing Elite care to hear what he has to say.

In the real world, Mallard is an empty-headed echo chamber on which the rely, but about which they could not care.

Also, fascists use big words?


GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

"Big words we don't understand?" Yeah, if there's one thing Jonah Goldberg and company are noted for, it's their intellectualism. Jeezus.

GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Also, the only intellectuals are fags and libruls (SAEM THING RITE LOL). Except when they're not. GOOD LORD, but it must be a bizarre experience to live in Tinsley's head.

Tog said...

Like I said yesterday: Batshit's trying to scoop dirt over "lactose intolerance" and paint Mallard as a First Amendment martyr and victim of the Liberal Media Jewspiracy.

...Trying, and failing. If he'd like to cite a single journalist who's been canned for going on a wrong-wing propaganda show, I'd be interested. Otherwise, it's all smoke out his asshole.

Nice try in the last panel, though: one of the basic tenets of Rush's success is telling morons that THEY're the ones who understand what's REALLY going on, while teachers, scientists, and other people with knowledge and experience are the TRUE idiots, and Batshit's milkin' that bull with both hands (so to speak).

WV: towar. Ohhhhhhh mother.

CasualBrowser said...

So, calling someone 'fascist' is bad??? Has anyone alerted the teaparties/right-wing about this?

Rootbeer said...

So it's the Left-Liberal Lamestream LMedia that carelessly throws around labels such as "fascist"?

I think I get it now... the "Mallard Fillmore" strip takes place in a mirror universe where ducks go on political commentary shows to talk about lactose intolerance, where the news channel with the most pronounced conservative slant isn't getting the highest ratings on cable, where all Muslims actually ARE skary and evil, and where City Journal (who?) and National Review actually give a flying shit about Bruce Tinsley's output.

Also, in that universe, Barack Hussein Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Indonesian parsnip with ears.

Tinsley: Sociopath said...

Someone whose vocabulary is monosyllabic, except for a few common words like understand; and who cannot produce a coherent sentence, or spell words like bigot should not complain about literacy.

CW in LA said...

No, no, no, CasualBrowser, you're completely missing the point: Calling right-wingers fascists is bad. For teabaggers, right-wingers, and actual fascists, calling opponents fascists is truthful and noble.

Did you know Hitler, Mussolini, Attila the Hun, and Vlad the Impaler were all libruls?

dlauthor said...

I'm sure Tinshley likes to think, through the haze of cheap rye and failure, that what he's doing here is a "story arc."

But you really need at least three points to define an arc, as we all learned in geometry. And, like everything Tinshley blarts out, this story has no point at all.

David in NYC said...

When did all the "liberal elitists" and "pointy-headed intellectuals" -- who were supposedly lording their intelligence and education over the "regular" Americans -- become so dumb they don't understand the vocabulary of a simpleton like Mallard?

I must have been absent that day.

Kip W said...

It's true. Liberals get enraged when uppity conservatives use big words. They show their rage by making snickering noises behind their hands and rolling their eyes. Oddly enough, they don't get nearly as enraged when these conservatives pronounce the words correctly and use them the right way, but how the fuck often does that ever happen?

Michael Foley said...

So it's liberals who hate intellectualism and baselessly accuse people of fascism? I'd ask "what color is the sky in your world", but since you're too lazy to draw backgrounds it's a moot point.

Tog said...

In anticipation: the "liberal" (corporate-owned) media's going full-effect with their "...Invasive screening at airports? When on Earth did THIS start?" horsefudge, and Ann Coulter's already screeching for the TSA to focus exclusively on "Muslim-lookin' males", so you know exactly what Mallard's going to be regurgitating here in two weeks regardless of his employment status...

exanonymous said...

How did the libruls go from being intellectual elitists to idiots who can't read big words?

Also, I don't remember NPR being the one with the love affair with the word "fascist," unless of course they had a guest on to discuss Italy's involvement in WWII from a scholarly perspective.

Also, Mallard does not work for NPR. They have standards.

rewinn said...

The City Journal is another wellfunded rightwing publication for comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted. I guess Brewsky wants to show off his smarts by citing to a publication that no-one would actually read for its content.

The idea that liberals are too stupid to understand big words but are also so elitest that they always use big words may be a contradiction but ...remember...contradictions are perfectly o.k. to fascists. Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with EastAsia, remember?

Frank Stone said...

Translation of today's strip: