What's Mallard raving about today?
Belief, Hope, Change, Jobs.
President-Elect Obama makes people hopeful for the future. President-Elect Obama promises the possibility of change after 8 years of fear-mongering divisiveness. President-Elect Obama may help foster an economy that creates jobs in America, unlike his predecessor.
Mallard does not want to live in a world like that!
I said it before, I'll say it again. Mallard hates hope.
The government must create jobs, or else Mallard's psychotic rants against government employees would be doubly so for the fact that they don't exist.
Misery loves company. Tinsley won't be satisfied until everybody's as jaded and miserable as he is.
I wonder if that guy also believes in Jesus, WMDs, and that gay marriage threatens his marriage.
Is Mallard actually rejecting the Keynesian notion that infrastructure spending by the government can (and, in fact, does) increase job creation? What a fuckwit. Here's an example of why, yet again, the Tinz is wrong.
Suppose a cartoonist needs to get from, say, Indianapolis, IN, to Columbus, IN, so as to appear in court to defend himself against, say, drunk driving charges. How would our cartoonist get there? Chances are, he'd take Interstate 65. And who paid for said interstate? The government. With what? Tax dollars. And who built the interstate? Private entities hiring private citizens to do the work. That, my friends, is called active fiscal policy at work creating jobs.
Again, what a fuckwit.
Is the guy sitting on Santa's lap anyone in particular? 'Cause this seems pretty nonsensical.
The reichwing's condemnation of "Hope" brings to mind something from my seminary days:
"Despair is the one unforgivable sin, not because God will not forgive the sinner, but because the sinner will not accept forgiveness."
On a lighter note ... since Tinkley brought up the relationship between government and economic health, let me recommend Why the Economy Grows Like Crazy Amid High Taxes. It's basically an answer to today's strip, only with facts and stuff.
P.S. I am glad that in today's strip we resolve the age-old question of what happens when an exclamation point meets a four-dot ellipsis!
Mallard Fillmore: Winning the war on abstract concepts. Maybe he'll take on love, some day.
Considering the guy is wearing a USPS uniform, it's hard to disagree with what he's saying.
didn't the govt create a whole mess o' jobs back in the 30s?
He took on love last Valentine's Day, if I recall. Can we just pool some money to get this guy electroshock therapy or something? Not that horribly depressed people can't be funny (Kurt Vonnegut, Doug Kenney, probably like a million others), but reading this strip is like listening to some sobbing, miserable drunk at a dive bar at two o'clock in the morning. It's not classy.
Aaaand, there it is, finally, the strip coming two weeks after Obama was elected with a large majority of the electoral votes.
Tinsley watched celebrations in the street over the decisive election of the first African-American president after he ran a masterful ground-up campaign in all 50 states. He watched a stirring victory speech, and a moving concession speech. He then must have woken up the next morning, dashed out a petty rant against government and (idiot) optimistic voters, and turned it in.
Oh, yes, your tears ARE delicious, Tinsley. Soooo delicious...
I don't get people who complain about how crappy things are, but make fun of those who believe in things and work to make things better. It's like, if you're not going to try to do something about it, then just shut the fuck up already.
Can we just pool some money to get this guy electroshock therapy or something? Not that horribly depressed people can't be funny (Kurt Vonnegut, Doug Kenney, probably like a million others), but reading this strip is like listening to some sobbing, miserable drunk at a dive bar at two o'clock in the morning. It's not classy.
Amen. David Foster Wallace was more chipper than Tinsley.
Oh, yes, your tears ARE delicious, Tinsley. Soooo delicious...
Nyah, nyah, nyah, I made Bruce Tinsley eat his parents!
There is a way that goverment can created jobs publicly, but tinsley and his ilk would consider it to "commienist" to be allowed, which is public enterprise and factories, which are found in democratic third world countries, until they are sold to nike, and that's from where sweatshops come from. its surprising they don't support them as its got an all in one:
*pollution, just to tell the planet, "fuck you"
*Poor people will be working their ass of... in the U.S.
*It will only affect minorities living in cities, where most are built.
*it provides private companies their all loed "competition, which they use as an excuse for abusive chain stores( why do they need to sell so low, Why?!)
But no... it doesn't kiss corporate america's ass and doesn't help Tynsley's corporate overlords and it may even be a moment wherer, gasp and gosfib, the goverment is helping directly the economy. So that means no public enterprise, because public enterprise is a pinko, liberal, socialist, commienist plot against the private sector and the free market.
(market place of ideas, my ass.)
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