What's Mallard raving about today?The Super Bowl, Commercials.
Inside Mallard's head: Gee, I guess I better make some sort of Super Bowl reference. Well, let's start simple, I mean obviously the Colts are going to be in the Super Bowl, so let's draw a Colt catching a pass. Hmmm, what number should he wear? I think most receivers wear numbers like #5. Or do they? I suppose I could go onto ESPN to look that up, but this has already taken 1 minute of my life and what are the chances that I'm wrong? I'm never wrong.
While I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure football players don't wear face guards anymore, so let me erase the one I drew...I'll leave a little bit of it there and turn it into some sort of odd-looking lower tooth. Cool, that really makes the drawing funny.
Now, let's see, draw two thought balloons...Hee hee! One of them is coming from his butt. Man I never get tired of that!
OK, now, what do I know about the Super Bowl that I can make funny...
Man this job is hard. All I can remember is that GoDaddy commercial a few years back with that big-breasted woman...
(3 minutes of silent reverie)
Damn! I wish I hadn't drawn a football player; I mean they're the only people
not watching the damn commercials! I could start over, but this has already taken 5 minutes of my life. OK, what if the football player was thinking about the commercials? He'd have trouble concentrating on the game. I know I'm having trouble concentrating while thinking about that big-breasted woman.
(3 minutes of silent reverie)
If the football player was thinking about breasts, he'd drop the pass! Players are always dropping passes in the Super Bowl! I mean, at least I think they are. I suppose I could go onto ESPN to look that up, but this has already taken 9 minutes of my life and what are the chances that I'm wrong? I'm never wrong.
Excellent, I'm done! Oh, wait...need to add an extra dot on my ellipses. Man I never get tired of that!