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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That damned Blame

What's Mallard raving about today?

Racism, The Economy.

One the day in which I posted the nominees for Most Interminable Series or Running Theme, I appreciate Mallard going back to the Things That Are Racist well, once again.

In true Mallard fashion, of course, this is an outright lie in the way he wishes it were true (you can count on one hand the number of mainstream figures blaming criticism of President Obama on Racsim). And it is true in the way he wishes it were a lie (Teabaggers carrying Obama Witch Doctor signs can hardly avoid charges of Racism).


Tog said...

Gee, another strip featuring Mallard propped up in front of the idiot box eating crap while the "mainstream media" gleefully confesses to all the liberal sins Tinsley projects upon it! I didn't see that coming!

So, what are you trying to say, Bruce? That a sitting President can fix a disastrous economy in just a few months?

Because I'd swear you were one of those dickheaded simpletons who kept insisting that Bill Clinton could not be in any way responsible for the surplus and booming economy that promptly went to hell under Junior Bush...and yet, Clinton HAD to be to blame for 9/11, almost a full year after his departure.

Kip W said...

You got it, Tog. Bush's apologists only stopped blaming Clinton for Bush's fuckups when the 2008 election results came in, and they started blaming Obama in advance. They're still blaming Carter, and maybe LBJ -- just keeping the blame spot warm for later, I guess.

D Koski said...

If I was going down in history as a right wing lying shill, I'd drink too. No matter how much Suckbutt Tinsley gets paid, it doesn't justify his outright cowardice and constant ankle grabbing.

WV: wortsi. Why BT sits on bean bag chairs just like his Doorknob Duck

Steve-O said...

Why, oh why are right-wingers so "concerned" about racism? I wish they truly wanted to end racism, but it seems they just want to say that racism is so 1955 so that they can get away with a racist subtext and not get called on it.

wv: minerse, the tiny universe that idiots like Bruce Tinsley inhabit.

Paul Smecker said...

I might just be wantin' a bagel with my coffee.

Jazzbumpa said...

Grover Norquist blamed the stock meltdown which began Q3 '07 on Obama's election a year later. The right wing disconnect from reality is nothing short of stunning.

Meanwhile, there's this, which I followed a link to yesterday. Alas, don't remember from where.

JzB the so fucking sick of right wing lies trombonist

dlauthor said...

Once again, Tinshley identifies with the unemployed by drawing for us a duck who no longer, apparently, has a job.

exanonymous said...

They want to reduce racism so that it never happened in history to make the status quo palatable.

If they ever had to admit that ghettos were created by racism in the past, they just might have to admit that the poor, uneducated parts of the country really aren't the result of lazy people who brought it upon themselves.

rewinn said...

Jazzbumpa - thanks for the link!


I tried thinking of something to say about today's "comic" but seriously ... one duck turd is starting to look like any other.

Iron Dragon said...

I just love how according to so many of the far right accusing someone of racism is worse than being a racist in the first place.

I hate chuck asay said...

I cannot believe Tinsley continues with this, "racism is dead--no, it never existed," theme. I think he is the, only, one in the world who, sincerely, believes this shit!

I hate chuck asay said...

Hey, Tinsley, since you have trouble differentiating between advice and metaphors (, here is a good analogy: I, recently, saw a refernce to David Bowie's A Space Oddity (Major Tom), and I must say, your comic is to great ones like Bloom County, The Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes, and Garfield as the mission in A Space Oddity is to Star Trek.

Word Verification: Prioge, a particle that has infested Tinsley's brain, and made him insane, and reatarded.

Neo Tuxedo said...

Kip W skrev:

Bush's apologists only stopped blaming Clinton for Bush's fuckups when the 2008 election results came in, and they started blaming Obama in advance.

Actually, as I remarked in comments to another post, they took the extra step of blaming Obama for retroactively causing the recession of 2007. Then again, there are wingnuts who seriously believe, or at least get seriously paid to say, that the New Deal caused the Great Depression...

WV: undlywar, a preemptive attack on a historical event.

I hate chuck asay said...

Sanity control to Tinsley, the worthless asshole...
Something's wrong, you have not made any grade...
Take your cyanide, and put your plastic bag on...
You're thinking in the most retarded way...
No one's love is with you, there is no God...
Psychiatrists want to know what meaning you ramble...
Everyone, here on Earth, finds you to be so odd...
Tinsley, not an asshole, to sanity control, I'm...
Giving in to the Id, because empathy, bramble...
Planet Earth is black, something it should lack...
I feel like a tin can, crushed by foreign slime...
I'm past one hundred thousand kegs, Bill...
I'll have the D.T.s, unless back to the still...
I think Toquemada knew which way to go...
Tell my wife I hate her, just, so she knows...
Sanity control to the asshole, something's wrong...
Your Ego, and superego are, now, dead...
Naught but Id remains in your worthless head...
Here I am, sitting in a pile of my discarded kegs...
Planet Earth is black, something it should lack...